We are delighted to invite you to be part of our intimate and transformative Discipleship Groups. These groups are a vital component of our church’s vision to cultivate deeper, personal relationships with God and each other.

Understanding Discipleship Groups A Discipleship Group is a small, gender-specific gathering of 3-5 individuals. This small size ensures a close-knit atmosphere where members can openly share, learn, and grow in their faith. These groups are ideal for fostering deep, meaningful conversations and building strong bonds of fellowship and accountability.

HEAR Study Method In our Discipleship Groups, we employ the HEAR (Highlight, Explain, Apply, Respond) study method. This approach allows members to dive into Scripture, highlight significant verses, explain and discuss their meanings, apply these lessons to our lives, and respond in prayer or action. It's a practical, engaging way to interact with the Bible and apply its teachings to our daily lives.

Accountability and Support One of the core elements of these groups is accountability. Members encourage and support each other in their spiritual disciplines, challenges, and growth. This accountability is a powerful tool for staying committed to your spiritual goals and deepening your relationship with God.

Easy Online Sign-Up To join a Discipleship Group, simply fill out our digital form at Discipleship Group Sign-up Form. Here, you can select your preferences, and we will match you with a group that suits your needs.

In-Person Sign-Up Option on December 10 If you prefer to sign up in person or would like to discuss the groups further, we will have a sign-up and information booth at our service on December 10. Our coordinators will be there to assist you and answer any questions.

Why Join a Discipleship Group? Joining a Discipleship Group is a step toward growing in your faith, understanding God's Word more deeply, and building supportive, godly relationships. It's an opportunity to be part of a community where you can be real, be heard, and be challenged to grow.

We look forward to seeing how these groups will strengthen our church family and individual walks with God.

In Christ’s Love,

Adam Roe
Senior Pastor

P.S. For any queries or further assistance, feel free to contact us at info@rmcaz.com. Let’s grow together in His grace and truth!