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This week, we delve into the Parable of the Ten Virgins from the Gospel of Matthew—a story that challenges us to consider the depth of our commitment and the readiness of our faith.

Scriptural Insights
In Matthew 25:1-13, Jesus tells a parable about ten virgins awaiting a bridegroom. Five are wise, carrying oil for their lamps, while five are foolish, having none. The bridegroom's delay tests their preparedness, and ultimately, only the wise enter the wedding banquet, with the door shutting on the foolish. This passage invites us to discern the oil—symbolizing good deeds, prayer, and faith—that keeps our spiritual lamps burning.

Contemporary Connections
In an era of instant gratification, this parable is a sobering reminder to cultivate spiritual disciplines patiently. Just as the wise virgins, we are called to maintain our spiritual reserves through consistent practice, so we are ready for God's timing, not just our own.

Reflective Questions
What does "oil for your lamp" represent in your spiritual life?
How can you cultivate spiritual readiness daily?
Reflect on a time when your preparedness allowed you to embrace an unexpected opportunity.

Practical Applications
Engage in daily prayer or meditation to keep your lamp filled.
Serve others, understanding that acts of kindness are reserves of oil in our spiritual lamps.
Join a faith-based community group to encourage perseverance in spiritual practices.

The Parable of the Ten Virgins isn't just a cautionary tale; it's a call to live a life of preparedness, where our faith is not left to the last minute but is a constant, glowing presence in our lives. May we keep our lamps trimmed and burning, ready for the Bridegroom's call.